Artist Arturo Casanova Collector Edition Jigsaw Puzzle
B.1966 lives and works in Capua, Italy.
Title: B.R. immaterial
Live Video of Jigsaw Puzzle: Click Here
Jigsaw Puzzle Size: 12" x 16.5" (310mm×418mm) 285 Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces, ESKA Premium Board. Magnetic. Special Gloss Finish.
This Collector Edition arrives with a Pre-Assembled Option and separated onto 2 cardboard squares according to size. The AXP Collector Editions comes ready to slide together for a complete instant puzzle and/or to be broken down for puzzling fun and/or framing!
Collector Edition of 11
Barbara Rose AXP Summer Capsule Collection: Summer AXP Capsule Collection is dedicated in memory to art critic/art historian Barbara Rose which is part of the ongoing AXP Capsule Collection Series. Our 2021 Global Curator Choice initiative by special invitation selected eight contemporary artists who were close personal friends of Ms. Barbara Rose during her career and lifetime. Click Here
Level: Complex
Signature Details: TITLE: B.R. immaterial SIZE: 340mm x 270mm MEDIUM: ink on framed paper YEAR: 2021 | Description of Work: B.R. immaterial
The work “B.R. Immaterial” is the attempt to interpret / experiment through the dynamism of the pictorial gesture and the chosen color, the bodily deprivation that actualizes a profound sense of displacement, a vertigo of emptiness in the human.
What now escapes vision exists in a non-experiential place, where the soul is free from any bond and where its own thought dances in the new choreography of the shining incorporeal creatures of the immaterial worlds.
It is the mysticism of the impalpable, which nourishes the nuclei of the brain and reduces the distance of my mind from the memory of her, within the limits and illusion granted to me in this life by Nature. Capua (Italy), 18 March 2021 \ Arturo Casanova
Dedication to Barbara Rose
CELESTIAL GAZE in memory of my first encounter with Barbara Rose
After seeing my works in Naples in the autumn of 1999, before speaking to me, Barbara looked at me for a long time with a look that freed me from fears in an instant (judgment?). It was a celestial, luminous gaze, in which beauty and quiet but also vigor and intelligence shone through. To enter into Barbara Rose's logic, one did not have to “be different”, but simply live one's qualities as an artist and intensely those of a father. She appreciated my family very much. - <Who comes into the world to not upset anything does not deserve attention> said a French poet and Barbara, without restraint, was not very zealous towards the prerogatives of the Art System, always ready to do the opposite of what it asked for, to defend her artists and their ideas up to the end. Capua (Italy), 18 March 2021 | Arturo Casanova
Artist Certificate: Each puzzle comes with an artist certificate.
Biography: Born in 1966 in Caserta, a provincial capital neighboring Naples, Arturo Casanova belongs to the generation of artists who broke down the walls between the various disciplines. As a very young he began to conceive his works as an installation and to work not only as a painter but also a sculptor, photographer, video artist and finally as a designer.
Since 1995 he has dedicated himself exclusively to monochrome, starting the trilogy Liquid-Nerve-Mystic and in 2004 his paintings figured prominently in the exhibition “monocromos: de Malevic al presente”, at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofìa in Madrid, in the context of the history of art of a single color.
His works are beautiful and immensely sophisticated. Rather it demands focus and concentration, rewarding the viewer's efforts with an experience of calm and prayer or a mantra necessity in today's world of information overload.
To create the rich moiré effects, he used both hands, inspired by the description of Michelangelo working in lrving Stone's novel The Agony and the Ecstasy (New York 1961). This technique produced a novel effect of streaking light moving in both directions. While painting he may change the orientation of the painting to create unusual effects dependent on how paint dries which gives the surface an activated rhythm.
His focus is on the sacred dimension of art as opposed to any superficial decorative attraction.
This quest to change the function of the work of art must be seen as a radical questioning of role of art in the contemporary world and as a desire to restore to art its original significance as a sacred passage to a transcendental state.
Barbara Rose (cat. “Arturo Casanova: Mystic passages”, Ed. Documenta, 2010)
Italian Version: Click Here
Supports The Barbara Rose Film Archive